


Candy! Yes, Halloween was a couple days ago and I went trick or treating for the first time! I went with some of the other interns to some staff houses. We had costumes. We used camo blankets and masks which we got from summer camp storage. (For those of you who would understand, the masks were the same ones that were used for the night game during teen camp 😉 It was quite fun! As usual, I also picked up some chocolate from the store. I love getting reduced Halloween candy! Anyone else like doing that?

So, it’s officially November. This year is flying by. I was debating with myself whether or not to do Movember this year. The clean-shaven side won out for this year. However, I think it should be quite interesting and amusing to see how the guys do this year. Some of the students have already said they are trying it. Should be fun 😉 With November underway, it also means that Christmas is coming up fast! I love listening to Christmas music, but please don’t ask me my favourite song! We would get to Christmas and I still wouldn’t have an answer for you. There are just too many to choose from.

In sports news, the Leafs played probably their worst game of the season on Monday against the Flames. Regrettably, I watched the game. The thought process went from “Hey, let’s sit down and be entertained by an exciting Leafs team!” to two hours later, “I now have a prime example I can use if I ever give a talk on the subject of wasting time.” Yes, I can rip on my team, but I’ll always be a fan. That’s about all I have for sports for this week.

Remember to set your clocks forward… I mean back one hour this Saturday night! Did I say forward? Whoops! I meant back! Should I go back and change forward to back? Or should I just move forward and not look back. In any case, go forward and set your clocks back this Saturday night!

The Power of Words

I was recently considering the impact of words. Words are used as a direct line of communication. They can be simple and convey neutral information. On the other hand, they have the power to touch people’s feelings and emotions. They can be used for good or bad purposes. “I love you” vs. “I hate you” is a tremendous difference conveyed by the simple change of one word. Considering the importance of choosing words wisely, it is sad that many people don’t even think twice about the words they use. There is a reason that James 3 talks about the significant influence of the tongue. For example, think through these verses.

“Even so, the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.” – James 3:5-6,8-10

Clearly, the tongue has great power. Often this power is abused. We use words to hurt other people, put other people down in order to make ourselves look good. We use words to manipulate, get our own way. We use words to curse and offend. It’s sad when the world does this. Unfortunately, Christians are guilty of this as well. It doesn’t take much effort to spew words out of your mouth. Just remember, Jesus said, “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.” – Matthew 12:36 I bring this up because Christians need to wisely choose their words. They do matter and they do carry weight. People may try to pretend they aren’t bothered by words. Truth be told, harsh words carry a sting, a painful wound. Think about it especially if this is an area in your life you need to consider and possibly change. Before going on, I want to provide some clarification. I am not talking about healthy criticism or the wounds of a friend mentioned in Proverbs 27:6. Sometimes, we need to use helpful and admonishing words of exhortation that may carry a measure of pain for the person receiving them. However, this should always be done in a manner of grace and a heart of love that seeks to help a person out. I am also not talking about fun teasing with a friend. It can be a way of showing affection for someone. However, even in these instances, it’s important to be careful not to go too far. Personally, I have to be careful not to cross the line and actually hurt someone in this way. It’s important to use discretion in these situations.

For the remainder of this post, I want to talk about the positive power of words. Yes words can be misused and abused, but they can also be powerfully used for good. I already mentioned positive admonishment. Words can also be used for encouragement. People often hear way too many negative statements in the course of a day. Are you a person that willingly and readily offers encouragement? If not, why? You can uplift people with your words. You can be a person who offers encouragement! Do it! I will even go so far as to challenge you to encourage at least one person every single day. Hopefully, you already do this and more, but it’s a starting point. I also want to briefly mention using words to communicate that you care about other people. There are many words you can use to communicate this care. I mentioned the words “I love you” above. I realize that these words can be loosely thrown around, but when used genuinely, they carry a lot of meaning! If you love a person, tell him/her. However, do this considering the biblical meaning of love and also consider that Christians are called to love their neighbour not just in word but in action as well. Let people know you care about them and that God cares about them both in word and deed. It means a lot!

Words can and should be used ultimately for God’s glory. We can and must worship God through words whether it be speaking, singing, through prayer, etc. God is deserving of worship through our words.

Finally, the most powerful words that transform lives are found in the Word of God. Through the Word of God we learn that Jesus paid the price for our sins and the way to eternal life is simply by accepting this free gift and accepting Him as your Saviour. God has also given us everything we need to know how to live a godly life that pleases Him right in His Word. May we never neglect the precious and profound Word of God that gives life because it is itself alive.

I realize there is so much more I could cover about words if I had the space, but hopefully, this at the very least gives you ideas that you can consider as well as an awareness of the impact and power of your words. Therefore, use your words wisely!

Bible Verse:

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” – Proverbs 25:11

I believe this verse speaks for itself. Remember, your words are powerful. Use them for good and godly purposes that glorify God!

(Forward or back? Back or forward? In any case, I’ll be back next week! Until then, move forward with your life and don’t look back unless you’re looking back at this post. Looking forward to next week!)

Categories: Uncategorized


Jen · November 2, 2018 at 7:21 pm

Thanks for sharing some more words of wisdom. Speaking kindly to others and really thinking and caring about their feelings is another area I need to work on. Honestly, every area in being a Christian can always use improvement though. I almost forgot about setting the clocks back. Anyways, I’ll be looking forward to another post from you! 😉

    Tim · November 2, 2018 at 10:24 pm

    Thanks for sharing Jen! You’re definitely right! There are always areas to improve! And yes, don’t forget to set the clocks forward… I mean back!

Matthew · November 2, 2018 at 7:36 pm

Tim,I agree, we should be careful with words. And we should always remember that just one wrong word can really hurt someone.
One more thing, the leaves on our locust trees are still almost all dark green!!! Does that surprise you? And it’s not a joke!!

    Tim · November 2, 2018 at 10:26 pm

    Yes Matt! That’s why it’s important to think before we speak! That actually does surprise me because the leaves here have been gone for a couple weeks. Pretty amazing!

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