Sunset – Sea of Galilee – Israel

Autumn – Owen Sound

Autumn – Owen Sound

Life is full of changes. The weather and nature is a great example, especially in a month such as October and in a place such as Owen Sound. The leaves change from deep green to a beautiful array of yellow, orange, and red. Then, suddenly, one big windstorm and they are gone for the year altogether. The weather, oh my goodness, the weather. Last week it was 25 degrees Celsius and sunny. This week, well… let’s not talk about it. Let’s just say a few unwelcome white particles have been floating around. I actually don’t mind snow around Christmas, but this is a tad early for my liking. Thankfully, something that hasn’t changed is the Leafs and their great start to the season! You want an exciting sports team to watch? The Leafs are it! Although, they got shut out by the Penguins, so this again proves that things can change very quickly. We shall see. But back to things that do change. On a more serious note, our lives can change in a heartbeat. Some changes we direct in our lives. Some changes are good and healthy. Others kind of hit us head on and they have the potential to make a forceful impact on our lives. Yes, life is full of changes, but a healthy and positive perspective on life and the changes of life can make a lot of difference in how we handle these changes.

Life in Perspective

I have always thought that binoculars are cool. I like the way that they make objects to appear close when they are actually far away. However, turn them around and they make that same object to appear very far away. I like the perspective of both sides. However, your point of view on an object changes depending on which side of the binoculars you are using to view it. As a quick little rabbit’s trail, as a kid, I remember going to the top of the stairs of my house and viewing down the stairs through the binoculars. There were about fifteen stairs, but if I looked through the one end, I almost wanted to jump down because the bottom of the stairs looked so close. However, if I looked through the other end, it looked more like the endless staircase in Super Mario 64 if you get the reference. I loved it! Maybe you’re not into binoculars. That’s okay, I forgive you! Maybe you like photography. I like photography as well. I am by no means an expert, but during my trip to Israel, I captured some nice photos! Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “look at life through a different lens.” It’s true. What is important to you in life? What is your outlook in life? How do you view change in your life? Do you need to view life through a different lens? Recently, I have been challenged with my perspective on life. It’s something I’ve thought about. Personally, I haven’t always liked change very much and I still don’t exactly crave it. Change can be hard. It can mean removing a habit, starting a new habit, starting or ending relationships, starting or ending a job, moving to a new location. Perhaps most frightening, it can mean changing on the inside, going in a different direction in your life, or changing your whole perspective on life. However, change can be a very healthy part of life. Sometimes it is radical and sometimes that is needed. As a Christian, I know that I should never become so comfortable that my life stalls and doesn’t change anymore. I should be constantly changing and growing because I’ll never reach the goal during this lifetime. You might say that statement doesn’t make sense.

Here’s the truth. The goal is to become like Christ and it’s true I’ll never fully reach that goal here on earth because sin is an obstacle in the path to this goal. However, through the work of the Holy Spirit, I can be constantly changing and growing toward this goal and it will ultimately be fulfilled when I die and go to be with God or when Christ returns again and I am forever changed and sin is completely removed from my life. Everything we do in life and the perspective we have should be through the lens of God’s will for our lives. When life is viewed with this perspective, healthy change is not dreaded but embraced because we desire to honour and please God with our lives and it pleases Him when we become more like His Son.

What about the changes we would consider bad or negative? Again, perspective plays a big role in our attitude and how we view these things. We can have a positive attitude when difficult or challenging changes occur. We need to realize that God can use even the most difficult changes and circumstances in our lives for positive change, the ultimate change of becoming like Jesus. It’s interesting and seems to make no sense, but sometimes the changes we consider the hardest are the ones we need and that can impact us most for the ultimate change that God wants to accomplish in us. Therefore, even seemingly negative changes can have positive outcomes when God is at work. What is your perspective on these situations?

I want to end this post by encouraging you to think through your life. Do you dread change? Why? Are there areas of your life that you can honestly say need change in order for you to become the person that God wants you to be, which ultimately is becoming like Christ? What steps could you take today to move toward that change? Do you want to grow and change, or have you become comfortable with life? Do you need to flip the binoculars around or look at life through a different lens? Do you have a healthy and proper perspective of life? Does your life line up with the will of God?

I admit that these are tough questions and ones that I have to work through as well. Life lived with the right perspective and with healthy change and growth according to God’s will is very freeing and fulfilling. However, it can still be challenging. Thankfully, God doesn’t leave us alone. If we have accepted Christ as our Saviour, He has given us the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and help us. We can only effectively change through His power working in us.

Bible Verse:

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”   – Hebrews 13:8

We need to constantly be growing and changing in a healthy manner. The goal is Christ. He is, always has been, and always will be the same. He doesn’t need to change because He is perfect in every way. Because of this, we can rely on Him and trust Him with every area of our lives including the ones that may need change.

One last thought. Don’t let fear stop you from making changes that you need to make. I have been doing a daily Bible reading plan lately, and I can’t count the amount of times God tells people to not be afraid. Lean on God and courageously move forward with His strength, guidance, and help.

Keep growing! Keep changing! Keep a healthy perspective!

Remember: The goal is Christ.

(I mentioned Super Mario 64 above. I never actually beat the game, but I got past the endless staircase! That’s an accomplishment, right!?)


Categories: Uncategorized


Jen · October 19, 2018 at 2:41 pm

Nice, Tim. Change can be really hard. I don’t always know what will happen next, and that frightens me sometimes. I’m trying to trust God, but it’s a process. Good words of advice though.

    Tim · October 21, 2018 at 9:29 pm

    Yes Jen, change can be scary at times! It’s good that you’re trying to trust God!
    Remember that His plan is best and He knows exactly what you need.

Hannah Kralt · October 19, 2018 at 6:42 pm

You’re right life is always changing and sometimes it sucks. We’ve had a lot of big changes in our lives that I never would have chosen recently. It’s altered the course of our lives.

I thought about lenses as soon as you mentioned the binoculars perspective lol. In photography I love me a good telephoto lens shot. But there’s some situations where a telephoto is just too close to focus or you can’t see the whole picture. So I slap on a wide angle lens and I regain my focus with the entire picture sharp.

There’s always room for improvement. I strive to be kind and treat others properly every day and it’s hard. But sometimes just one act of kindness can really mean something to someone. And I try to act in a way that would please God.

    Tim · October 21, 2018 at 9:33 pm

    Thank you for your thoughtful reply Hannah! You’re right, change can be life altering and sometimes it really is hard. I’m glad to hear that you’re trying to act in a way that pleases God. God knows exactly what you’re going through and what you need and He’s there for you all the time!
    By the way, I thought of you when I put in the part about photography and lenses. 😉

Stacey · October 20, 2018 at 11:51 am

I agree, change is hard. I’m actually at a point in my life right now were I don’t really want to change. I don’t want to become an adult because it feels like it’s filled with nothing but hardships and heartache. But, I guess that kind of change is inevitable.

I wonder… will changing my perspective really make it better?

    Tim · October 21, 2018 at 9:47 pm

    Thanks for joining in on the discussion Stacey!
    Yes, change definitely is hard and so is being an adult! That’s why we need God’s help every step of the way. To answer your question, it really depends on to what you change your perspective. If you view life through the lens of God’s will for you and living for Him, than yes it will make it better. Better doesn’t necessarily mean easier, but if you view becoming an adult as an opportunity to live for God and serve Him in this stage of your life, and if you obey Him and carry this out, than your life will have purpose and meaning including in times of hardship and heartache.
    Great to have you comment here Stacey!

Magdalena Hodel · October 24, 2018 at 7:10 pm

Thanks for the encouraging words of keep on changing to be more like Christ!!

    Tim · October 25, 2018 at 8:52 am

    Glad I could be of encouragement to you Mags! It’s definitely a process, but God is there to help us every step of the way! Great to have you join the discussion!

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