Hey everyone, I’m back with some thoughts about this whole situation regarding the times we find ourselves in and about Easter coming up. I hope and pray that you are all well and staying healthy and safe at this time. With everything going on with the coronavirus, a lot of things have been changing. I can tell you that the ministry of Word of Life is still happening though. Students are now taking online classes and staff have largely been working from home. I, too, have been working from home as well as continuing with my online schooling. Although there have been some challenges with getting used to the whole online system, we can be thankful for the opportunity we have to continue with learning through technology.

Instead of a regular update, I’d like to share three of the many thoughts about what I’ve been learning through this challenging time.

  1. I am not in control

This is a thought that I keep coming back to time and time again. A lot of times I like to think I’m in control and have things all figured out, but God has shown me through this whole virus that I really have little control over my life. But that’s okay! It’s okay because God is sovereign and is in control. He knew this virus was coming just like He knows about every individual part of us and He cares and is with us through this time. I have really been turning to Him for strength and depending on Him and that’s a good thing!

2. Connection is key

Another thing I’m learning is that connection with others is so important. Perhaps it is very important at this time during the virus with physical distancing and everything, but I hope that after this virus, I never take any relationships for granted again. Unfortunately, I probably will as we humans so easily forget and allow ourselves to get sucked into a mediocre routine. The truth, though, is that I love and care about my family and friends. Am I showing it? Am I putting in the time and effort to show it? Am I reaching out? Am I blessing and encouraging people? We all need connection and especially right now, show you care about someone. I need to abide by these words as well.

3. The important truth of the gospel

Good Friday is tomorrow. Easter is on Sunday. How many people will be in church? Does it really matter? As Christians, we are the church! We carry the good news. At a time when it seems everything is uncertain and changing, God never changes. The power and grace of the gospel never changes. People need God. They need Jesus as their Saviour. Perhaps you are thinking of someone with whom you can share the gospel. Do it! And use this weekend as an opportunity to remember that no matter what happens, Jesus died and rose again and defeated sin, death, and hell forever. Praise God!

When challenging times strike, it can be painful, but it also sheds light on the important things in life – loving God and loving others. May we use this time as an opportunity to do these two things now and to continue doing them long after the virus has left us.

Please say a prayer for all of your loved ones and ones who need Christ. Spend time with God and connect with others today.

A Good Friday and Blessed Easter to you all!

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

Jen Vlasblom · April 9, 2020 at 5:07 pm

So true, Tim. Thanks for writing and sharing these truths.🙂 God is in control and He loves us no matter what happens.

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