Image may contain: sky, tree, grass, house, cloud, outdoor and nature
Winter Wonderland!
Image may contain: one or more people and crowd
Fall Foliage Event
Chapel Time
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text
Open Air Evangelism
Image may contain: 2 people, table, crowd and indoor
Christmas Banquet
Image may contain: one or more people, people playing sports, basketball court and stadium
Singing the Anthem at the Attack Game

Hey everybody! Well, another year (and another decade!) is quickly coming to a close! It has been a wonderful year. A lot of positive and encouraging things have happened. I’m not saying that there hasn’t also been challenges, disappointments, and surprises. But through them all, at the end of every year, I can always reflect back with joy on God’s goodness and faithfulness. I have included some pictures above which help to tell the story of our current year at the Bible Institute. Though the calendar year may be ending, a lot of adventures are still to come in the new year with our current group of staff and students here at Word of Life! In this post, I would like to update you a bit about the past couple months as well as take a quick look at what is in store for the new year!


I know that I say this a lot, but my job as the Academic Coordinator with Word of Life continues to be going smoothly. I praise God for that! I will be taking on a few more administrative responsibilities in the new year. As far as the content that the students are learning, during the month of November, they learned all about the end times and the new heavens and earth in Revelation. I love to think about eternity and spending it with God fully in His presence. It is such a comforting thought! In November, the students also learned about how to handle suffering in 1 Peter and the preeminence of Christ and reconciliation in Colossians and Philemon. During December, the students learned about the supremacy of Christ in Hebrews and the importance and methods of Discipleship which is very practical as they may have some great opportunities to disciple a person while on their Christmas Break.

Praise Team:

The campus praise team was very enjoyable to lead. It wrapped up for the year and will resume after March Break. When the praise team does start again, the students will have the responsibility of leading chapels and worship which will provide them with great experience to take back to their local churches!

Book Study:

The “How People Change” study ended right before Christmas Break. It was such a blessing to lead this study and the discussion and prayer time we had was great. I am thankful to have had this opportunity!


I also just recently finished up my first online semester with Liberty University! It went very well. In the new year, I will be taking more classes such as English, Math, Cultural Anthropology, and Linguistics. I am excited!

In the New Year…

In the New Year, the students will be heading off to the annual Word of Life Missions Conference in New York. We will also be hosting six weeks of our annual Recharge winter camp. For me personally, I will be focusing mostly on my main job and my schooling. I am exited to see God at work in the coming year!

Bible Verse:

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5

This has been my theme verse for this year and is always a great reminder that I need to stay connected with Christ because I can do nothing without Him.

Prayer Requests:

Please pray for the following:

  1. A refreshing and restful Christmas Break for both staff and students
  2. Recharge – there will be many teens coming on property who may not know Christ as their Saviour. Please pray for them, the students as they help to host Recharge, and the speakers who will be giving the messages, including the gospel message each week.
  3. Please pray that God would continue to give me the strenght I need to get all of my work done. Please also pray that God would give me wisdom and guidance about the future and future decisions

Thank you all so much again for your amazing support of my ministry in the past year. All the glory goes to God! As Christmas time approaches, please take the time to thank God and glorify Him for the greatest gift of His Son.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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1 Comment

Hannah · December 18, 2019 at 2:14 pm

Finally pictures! Glad to hear things are going well and your school is done. 2 more days to christmas break!

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