Hey everybody! I hope you are all doing well. It’s the last Friday of April already. Time flies! Temperatures have still been struggling to stay consistently warm here, but the sun has been out a little more frequently here lately which has been very nice.

A Good Run is Fun!

I have decided to take up running a few times a week. I want to build up my stamina and endurance as I signed up to play soccer this summer. I have started by running a few kilometres each time, but I hope to push this distance forward gradually. I am actually finding that I am enjoying running. Or, should I say, I am enjoying the after effects of running. After a good run, I feel more energized and upbeat. Exercise is good for you not only physically, but also mentally. I would encourage any one of you to try it out, particularly if you need a boost in energy or to raise your spirits. A few ways you can make running more enjoyable: Find someone who will run with you. I’ve run a couple times with a buddy of mine and it honestly makes it more fun. You can push each other forward and even talk if you’re not too winded 😉 Run with music. Some good tunes can be inspiring and motivate you to keep going. Run a scenic route if possible. If you have a beach or a forest trail, this could be a great option. If running alone, you can also use it as an opportunity to spend time with God. Notice His beautiful creation as you run. Talk with God about things in your life. I love Hebrews 12 where it talks about running your race set before you with endurance and keeping your eyes fixed on Christ. I use my running as a way to remind myself that I am also running a race in my spiritual life and that I need to stay fixated on Jesus. So, if you get creative, running can be enjoyable and the effect it has on you physically and mentally is definitely also rewarding. In conclusion, what are you waiting for? Get out there and run!

Ministry Update


The world of academics is still spinning in the right direction. I am able to efficiently get all of my work done. I enjoy my work and I know that it is needed and brings glory to God, so it’s good! This past month, the students have finished learning all about the life of Jesus in Matthew, the dark days of relativity and how they are similar to today in the book of Judges, and the function, mission, and make-up of the Church in Ecclesiology. Currently, they are studying about God’s faithfulness in contrast to Israel’s unfaithfulness in the book of Hosea.

Praise Team

Our campus praise team is doing well. For the remainder of the school year, my co-leader and I have given the reins to the students to lead the team. The goal is that they can gain experience in leading and directing a praise team which they can then take back with them to their own churches and be able to use in whatever musical roles to which they may be called. The first week went well!


I have had the opportunity for the last several weeks to take part in discipleship meetings at my local church here to learn and discuss what effective and true discipleship looks like. It is about making disciples that can go out and make disciples thereby continuing the process far beyond yourself. The meetings just wrapped up for the summer. Now, I am looking into opportunities to be able to put the knowledge I have gained into practice. I also encourage any believer who reads this to be actively involved in discipleship both as a disciple and as a discipler. As believers, we all need to be growing in our faith and this happens as we both learn from others and pass on what we’ve learned to others. If you want to learn what true discipleship is all about, study the life of Jesus and how He interacted with people, most notably His disciples, and how He brought them along. Also, I recommend as a very good resource the book that we’ve been studying and discussing as a group called “4 Chair Discipling.” It lays out the various stages of discipleship and what it looks like to disciple people in these different stages of life. You can be involved in discipleship. I encourage you to pray to God for opportunities to get involved. It is very exciting and worthwhile!


  • Please pray for both students and staff as we are entering the final stretch of the school year that we would stay focused on God and on bringing Him glory
  • For me personally, please pray that I would keep growing in my faith, obey God and take advantage of the opportunities He sends my way, and that I would be able to keep up with my running. For some reason, I have experienced pain in both my feet since I have started running which especially seems to flare up when I am walking.
  • Please pray that God would continue to bring us students for next year.
  • Finally, please pray that believers in Christ all around the world would grow and be fully committed in their faith and walk with Him

Bible Verses

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. – Hebrews 12: 1b-2a

Physically, I know running can be exhausting. I’ve experienced it. Spiritually, our race can also be exhausting. That’s why we need to persevere when it gets hard and simply put one foot in front of the other. Give and get the godly support that you need in your race, but above all, keep your eyes fixed on the finish line up ahead. That is, if you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, then you will be able to persevere in His strength to the end of your race. Remember, every second, you inch a little closer…!

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

Allan Bittorf · April 26, 2019 at 2:40 pm


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