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Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the Christmas season! One thing I have noticed is that Christmas always seems to sneak up so fast on me. From the time of me writing this post, it is now only 5 days away! I always enjoy the Christmas season and the time spent with family and friends as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas time and are able to refresh and recharge for what the new year holds.

I have included an update below of what is happening in the ministry God has entrusted me with at Word of Life as well as church and school updates. First, as always though, I want to thank all of you who support me financially and/or through prayer. I appreciate your participation in this ministry and pray that God may be glorified through it!

Word of Life Update

Things have been going well here at Word of Life the past few months! I have had a lot of opportunities to minister through different areas. Part of my administrative role includes coordinating campus days, which is a time when high school students can come and check out our campus and see if this is a place they would like to attend after school. We had 2 campus day events, one in October and the other in November. It was a huge blessing being able to coordinate these events and then participate in them and interact with some of the attendees. I had a couple really good conversations with some people and it was encouraging to see how God is working in their lives to want to attend Word of Life and study God’s Word and grow closer to Him!

Another huge blessing has been my involvement with the student life team. Through this part of my role, I have had the opportunity of spending good quality time with some of the students, pouring into their lives and really connecting with them. It hasn’t been one-sided though. They have also poured into me and blessed me as well and I’m so thankful for the way that God has made it for believers to be mutually blessed as we love one another in a way that honours Him. This part of my role is my favourite part because I am super passionate about people growing in their love for God and one another.

That is my sister Jen and I at the Christmas Banquet. I am so glad she is a student here with us this year!
May be an image of 4 people, people standing and indoor
I served food during our Christmas Banquet. It’s a little dark, but see if you can find me đŸ˜‰

Discipleship groups have continued to go well and the students are participating well. One of the students mentioned to me the other day about taking part of the material and using it to disciple someone he knows. I loved hearing that, not because there is anything special about the material, but because God is working in his life to go and make disciples just as he is being disicpled! It’s awesome!


I have also been very blessed in my involvement with the church. I have had the opportunity to be a group leader for our Awana kids program. We finished 8 weeks up and will start again in the New Year. I had the opportunity of sharing the gospel with a child and I believe that he got saved! So praise God for that!

I am also still involved with music ministry which has been a blessing and also with being a leader for a discipleship group. I am excited to see what God has planned for the church in this upcoming year!


I also was able to finish another class for my school. Spanish was challenging, but God helped me with it! I now only have an internship to complete, and I will then be finished my degree! I hope to complete this sometime in the upcoming year.

Bible Verse:

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

This verse is very relevant to me in my life right now and I want to be intentional about abiding with God as this year winds down and the new year starts. I am dependent on him for everything, not only in this ministry, but for anything and everything, including the things I often take for granted such as my very next breath. I want to live in complete dependence on God and then through this dependence of abiding and knowing my identity in Him, continue to push outside my comfort zone and produce fruit that honours Him!

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray that I would grow closer to God, enjoy my time abiding with Him, and then have opportunities to push outside my comfort zone and that I would take these opportunities to glorify Him.
  2. Please pray that the staff and students here would have a restful Christmas Break and be refreshed through enjoyment with family and friends and be refreshed spiritually as well.
  3. Please pray that the church would continue to grow in maturity and that disciples would make disciples and that unified together, the church would show the world a true representation of Christ.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

Amanda Doyle · December 24, 2021 at 2:09 pm

Great to read your update and great picture of you and your sister!! God is surely using you for His great purposes. Thank you for all the work you are doing furthering His kingdom and we pray you have a wonderful holiday and the Lord’s continued blessings into the New Year!
With love,
Amanda and Stuart Doyle

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