Hey everyone! I am back with an update on how things have been going here at Word of Life in the past few months. I would also like to share a couple of things that God has been teaching me lately as well as some prayer requests. Before getting into all of that though, I just want to once again say a big thank you to everyone that has supported me financially and through prayer in my ministry with Word of Life. I appreciate your support very much and the ministry that God has entrusted me with would not be possible without you!

Word of Life Campus

Word of Life Update

Most of my summer was dedicated to preparing for our Opening Weekend on campus that happened near the beginning of September. It was my first time coordinating this event and I am happy to say that with the help and support of everyone here on the staff team, Opening Weekend went well! We welcomed 14 new students that God has blessed us with onto the property. They are a great bunch!

Opening Weekend Session

One of my favourite things so far this year has been being a part of our Student Life Team because I have had some great opportunities to have fun talking with the students and doing things with them. This has been a great blessing as I have a real passion for pouring into people and encouraging them to grow.

One of the things that I am very excited about is our discipleship groups that have started! I have the privilege of leading in our groups and they have been going well! Everyone has been contributing in our discussions and I enjoy the thought of looking ahead and, Lord willing, seeing these students be discipled, maturing in their faith, and then them going out and making disciples.

Currently, I am working on the details for our first campus days which we will be having here in late October when teens will be able to come on property and experience a day here and what it looks like to be a student at Word of Life.

Church Update

I have some exciting news! I am now a member at my church here in Owen Sound! This is great as I have many opportunities to get involved with serving in the church. This fall, I will be serving on the praise team, leading in a discipleship group and will also be a leader at Awana, which is the children’s ministry at our church. It is a huge blessing for sure! In addition, one of my favourite ways to fellowship with my church family is during our Sunday afternoon ball hockey that we do each week!

Personal Update

One of the things that God has been teaching me lately is that I need to rely on Him and His strength in every area of my life. I don’t need to try to do everything on my own. In fact, I can’t. But through the grace and strength provided by God, I can do all that He has for me to do. Two of my favourite verses on this subject are Ephesians 6:10, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might” and 2 Timothy 2:1, “You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” God is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1) and He is the One I can turn to when life is hard or when I feel inadequate or weak. For through Him, “when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10). When I accomplish anything, He deserves all the glory because I can only do it through His strength and work within me.

Prayer Requests

  1. Please pray for discipleship groups, both at Word of Life and at my church, that God would grow up many spiritually mature followers of Christ that can also go out and make disciples for the kingdom.
  2. Please pray that my relationship with God would be strong and that I would spend quality time with Him and keep growing into a mature follower of Christ.
  3. Please pray for unity within the body of Christ and for pastors as they navigate through these times.
  4. Please pray for the students at Word of Life that they would draw close to God and have peace by depending on Him.
  5. Please pray that people everywhere would give thanks to God for who He is and all that He has done.

An early Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Categories: Uncategorized


Hannah · October 1, 2021 at 8:03 pm

That’s fun getting involved with the children’s ministry! I’m glad things are going well and I look forward to seeing you soon!
I’m sure it’s extra special to you that Jen is there too 😊.

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