Israel – Near New Jerusalem

Israel – Mediterranean Sea

Well, it’s that time of year again! The World Series has begun and while the two teams competing for the title of champion aren’t exactly at the top of my list, they are still two high caliber teams and are exciting to watch. Speaking of baseball, I remember the first Blue Jays game I ever attended. They won in a 6-5 thriller over the Orioles when both teams were competitive at the time. I remember that my brothers went to get some food during the 1st inning. Naturally, the Blue Jays hit 3 home runs during that inning. They returned for the 2nd, but it was too late ;)! I thought it was pretty funny! Hopefully, the Jays can turn it around again next year.

Great Roommate

I was asked the other day to write something about the great roommates that I have by one of my great roommates (shock!). Did I mention that I have great roommates? Therefore, this next little section is in honour of the great roommate who asked me to write this great section. My roommates are great. My one roommate makes great food and also eats great amounts of food. Perhaps I’m just exaggerating, but about which part? 😉 He is also great at video games, especially the ones where I am greatly helping him. (Stardew Valley) He is also great at sleeping and taking naps! Just so much great talent in that area 😉 But, most of all, he is a great person and I am very grateful that I have him as a great roommate and great friend. My other roommate is great as well and I might have to greatly mention him next time. So, in summary, I have great roommates. Did I mention that I have great roommates? Oh, I did? Great!

Ministry Update

So, it’s the last Friday of the month which means it’s time for a ministry update! October completely flew by, but it has been a fantastic month. I just would like to start off by saying that I am very thankful for all of the support I have received in the way of financial means as well as through prayer. I have been very blessed already as an intern here at Word of Life this year, and I have also had many opportunities to serve. I am very grateful for all of the people who have backed me and supported me through my ministry. Below are some of the ways I am currently serving and ministering here at Word of Life as well as some of the October activities in which I was able to participate.

– I am really enjoying my main role as the Academic Coordinator here at Word of Life. Grading tests and preparing notes has been going very smoothly. We also have a different guest lecturer come on the property each week and teach a book of the Bible or a biblical topic. I get to directly communicate with them and help them out any way that they need it. So far, academically, the students have studied James, Worldview Evangelism, Philippians, 1 Corinthians, and 2 Peter and Jude. This week they went back to the beginning and studied Genesis.

– I am also involved with leading the campus praise team. We have a practice each week and then play a couple of songs for a chapel service. The students are doing very well and currently I also have the privilege of playing with them. Today, we led worship for a number of youths that came on the property and stayed overnight to experience life on our campus. We call this Campus Days, and it occurs in October, November, April, and May.

– The Christian book study that I am co-leading is also going well. We are doing a study on the book, “How People Change”. It gives practical advice and teaching on the process of change and how it happens in a person’s life in order to become like Christ. The discussion has been beneficial and profitable for the growth of everyone involved.

– At the start of the month, just before Thanksgiving, we had the privilege of serving seniors who came on property to enjoy a banquet and the coloured fall leaves. I got to serve them at their tables. Another intern and myself also put on a concert for them in which I played the piano. It was a great day!

– Finally, we are preparing for an event in early November which we call the “Harvest Bash”. It involves a lot of fun fall activities including dressing up for the theme this year which is “Teams”. It should be a great time!


Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me! Prayer is a powerful thing and it makes a huge difference, so I am extremely grateful for your prayers. Some things that I could use prayer for in the upcoming month: God’s continued guidance in my life, wisdom to make the right choices and decisions, that I would continue to faithfully serve God through my work and ministry, and that my life would be completely given for the glory of God.

Bible Verse:

“Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.”  – Colossians 4:2

Just as communication is vital to sustain a human relationship, prayer is absolutely vital as it is our communication to and from God. Earnest prayer is sincere and intense. Christians need to be genuine, intentional, and bring it all before God. He can handle it. Prayer and thanksgiving are often paired together in the Bible. Consider the above passage as well as passages such as 1 Thess. 5:17-18, Phil. 4:6-7, and others. We have much to be thankful for and we should bring our thanks to God in prayer. Finally, the passage assumes something. It says to “continue” in prayer. For a Christian, it shouldn’t even be a question about whether or not he is in communication with God. Christians need to be in constant communication with God because He is the most important Person in life. He deserves to be worshiped and glorified in prayer. In addition, He knows our every need and can guide us in His perfect plan for our lives. Jesus often prayed and emphasized the importance of prayer, so clearly prayer is extremely significant!

Finally, people have been telling me that they have been reading my posts which has been very encouraging and gives me motivation to do my best with this blog, so I just want to say thank you to everyone who is reading it! Please feel free to also join in on the discussion and post a comment. I have added a feature so that you can choose to receive a notification if someone replies to your comment. I try to reply to all comments because I value the time people take to write them! Keep them coming!

Until next time!

(This was a GREAT post, wasn’t it?)


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Hannah · October 26, 2018 at 5:36 pm

I totally thought you just ignored my other comments, but now I went back and read your replies lol. And no, I haven’t been to Owen Sound recently, but we will be going to Illinois soon! We’re already starting to have some of our leaves fall off of the trees too.

It’s cool to hear about what you’ve been up to. Maybe you can try a vlog sometime soon! (video+blog=vlog). Just use your phone or camera to video yourself/what your doing one day, slap your clips together in windows media player or something and upload to your new youtube channel. I’d watch it :). I made this video for one of my clients, but you can see what our trees looked like just two weeks ago. Lots more colour now 🙂

P.S. I used to be your roommate, so thanks for mentioning me lol.

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily. As to the Lord and not unto men.”

    Tim · October 26, 2018 at 8:34 pm

    That’s cool! What are you doing in Illinois?
    I think I’ll probably stick to writing for now, but that might be an idea for the future. I watched your video. Looks good! And you’re right, we should do everything to the best of our ability to God’s glory. I have to constantly remind myself of that. I feel sometimes that I’m prone to do things for myself, but God deserves all the glory!

    Jen · October 27, 2018 at 10:52 am

    That sounds like so much fun. When are you going to Illinois, Hannah?

Matthew · October 26, 2018 at 9:15 pm

Thanks for giving us an update on what you’ve been doing lately Tim! It’s great to hear all the opportunities you’ve had at WOLBI this year to serve the Lord! By the way, I’ve never really been big into reading, but I enjoy reading your blogs a lot!

    Tim · October 26, 2018 at 9:59 pm

    Thanks Matt! I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

Jen · October 27, 2018 at 10:51 am

I can really tell God’s working in your life, Tim. It sounds like you’re trying really hard to serve God and that’s awesome. I need to work a lot more on becoming a stronger Christian, but you’re a good role model for me to help me do that, so thanks. 🙂 By the way, I’ll be praying for you. Please pray for me too.

    Tim · October 27, 2018 at 1:12 pm

    Thanks so much Jen! Believe me, it’s not easy sometimes and I constantly have to remind myself to depend on God and live my life for Him, but it’s totally worth it!
    Thanks for the prayer, and yes, I will pray for you as well!

Matthew · October 27, 2018 at 12:52 pm

Tim, I remember that game too! I saw 1 home run, but not the other two.

    Tim · October 27, 2018 at 1:12 pm

    Yeah! It was a fun game to watch!

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