
What Are You Thinking About?

What are you thinking about? What is on your mind? Do you have thoughts that are positive, good, true, and praiseworthy? Or are your thoughts negative, deceiving, wrong, or harmful? The mind is a powerful thing that can greatly influence the way a person lives his life. Behaviour and action Read more…


Happy New Year!

Happy 2019 everybody! I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years with family and friends. Personally, I had a pretty good time. I like giving gifts that people don’t expect and then seeing their reactions. It’s a lot of fun. Anyone have any delicious Christmas treats Read more…


Truth with Love

Hey everybody! I hope you’re all doing well! It’s now less than 2 weeks until Christmas! The time just continues to fly by, but maybe that’s because I’m really enjoying my time here at Word of Life. You know how they say that time flies when you’re having fun! I Read more…


A Passion for Compassion

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. It’s now less than 3 weeks until Christmas! It’s pretty amazing how fast time flies. I’m pretty excited because I love spending time with family and just the Christmas atmosphere here at Word of Life is great too! I was just thinking Read more…


Ministry Update – November 2018

Hey everybody! It is November 30th today. Not only does that mean it’s time for another ministry update, but it also means that it’s my sister Heidi’s birthday today! Happy Birthday Heidi! I hope your day is wonderful! Speaking of birthdays, my birthday was this past week. It was great Read more…


Heartfelt Repentance

Hey everybody! It’s a beautiful day here in Woodford, snow and all! I’ve come to decide that I actually quite like the snow. It’s definitely much better than a cold, cold rain and mud everywhere. Actually, it’s quite the winter wonderland here right now. You know that moment when you Read more…


Joyful Suffering

Hey everybody! I’m glad you have the opportunity to read this next post. I have decided that for this post I am going to launch right into the main content. This post is going to be of a more serious nature, but at the same time, I hope it can Read more…


The Power of Words

  Candy! Yes, Halloween was a couple days ago and I went trick or treating for the first time! I went with some of the other interns to some staff houses. We had costumes. We used camo blankets and masks which we got from summer camp storage. (For those of Read more…