
Ministry Update September and October 2020

Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well. I have been thinking recently about the sovereignty of God and how He is in control of every situation of our lives and every situation in this world. We can take comfort and have peace in this fact because God is good and He is trustworthy. Even when the world seems out of control or our lives seem out of control at times, we can rest Read more…


Summer Ministry Update

Hey everybody, I hope you are all continuing to do well and staying safe during this time. In this update, I would like to share with you some of the things that happened this summer as well as an exciting look ahead to the fall. Before I begin though, I just want to thank all of you who are my supporters either through financial means or through prayer. I greatly appreciate your investment in my Read more…


Ministry Update April-May 2020 and Loving God and Others

Hey everybody, I hope you are all doing well and staying safe! As always, thank you again for all of your support in the ministry God has entrusted me with at this time! I’m back with another ministry update for the months of April and May. The plan for this post is to give you an update of what has been happening over the past couple months followed by a quick synopsis of what God Read more…


A Reality Check

Hey everyone, I’m back with some thoughts about this whole situation regarding the times we find ourselves in and about Easter coming up. I hope and pray that you are all well and staying healthy and safe at this time. With everything going on with the coronavirus, a lot of things have been changing. I can tell you that the ministry of Word of Life is still happening though. Students are now taking online classes Read more…


Ministry Update February 2020

Hey everyone! I am back with another update on my ministry and what has been happening at Word of Life. First, though, I would like to share with you something I have recently been thinking about which is the topic of godly discussion. What I mean by this is that it is so important to have godly people in your life who love to simply talking about God. It is an amazing blessing to share Read more…


Ministry Update January 2020

Well, here we are. 2020 has arrived! It has been a pretty crazy start to the year. I’m excited for all that God is doing in my own heart, the lives of the staff and students here at Word of Life, and in the lives of believers all around the world. I will update you on the month of January in a moment, but first I want to share something that really impacted me while Read more…


Ministry Update November-December 2019

Hey everybody! Well, another year (and another decade!) is quickly coming to a close! It has been a wonderful year. A lot of positive and encouraging things have happened. I’m not saying that there hasn’t also been challenges, disappointments, and surprises. But through them all, at the end of every year, I can always reflect back with joy on God’s goodness and faithfulness. I have included some pictures above which help to tell the story Read more…


Ministry Update – October 2019

Hey Everybody! I’m back with another ministry update to let you all know what has been happening with me and with Word of Life during the month of October. As you can see, we just had our first snowfall. (This technically happened in November, but I’m pretty sure I saw some flakes swirling around already on Halloween.) It has been a good month. Thank you again to all of my supporters who have supported me Read more…


Ministry Update – September 2019

Hey Everybody! I’m back with another ministry update to let you all know what has been happening with me and with Word of Life during the month of September. First, though, as always I would like to thank all of you for your support both through prayer and finances. I appreciate it very much and that is one reason why I am excited to share with you how God has been at work! Opening Weekend: Read more…


Summer Ministry Update

Hey everybody!It’s been a while and a busy summer, so I would like to update you on what has been happening in my ministry and with Word of Life. June: After the busyness of our year of the Bible Institute wrapping up and the students having graduation, June was a little more of a quieter month. I spent a relaxing week of vacation at home, did a little bit of support-raising and continued my job Read more…