
Word of Life Final Ministry Update

Hey everyone! It’s hard to believe, but my ministry with Word of Life has come to an end. It has been a wonderful five years working here on staff in addition to my year as a student. So much has happened since I first made the drive up to Word of Life almost six years ago. Back then, I didn’t know at all what to expect. Now, I can say that this place has been Read more…


Ministry Update

Hey everyone, I hope you are all doing well! I am very thankful for God’s grace and goodness towards me each day. I’m learning more and more about what life lived with God actually means. It means investing in a close relationship with Him, finding my satisfaction in Him, and doing everything with the mindset of Him being at the centre. Nothing I do is apart from Him. I trust Him to provide for me Read more…


Ministry Update July-September 2022

Hey everyone! I am back with another update about what has been going on in my ministry with Word of Life as well as my personal life. Before getting to that though, I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving! God has been so good and is so faithful and I am so thankful for all of His many blessings, including such things as the beautiful fall colours which you can see in the picture above. Read more…


Ministry Update April-June 2022

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well today and enjoying the nice long and sunny days of summer! This is one of my favourite times of the year. The blue sky and bright sunshine are so good to lift the spirits and make for a cheery attitude. I am so thankful for the summer months that God has given us to enjoy and the many activities we can do with people during this time. Read more…


Ministry/Personal Update January-March 2022

Hello everyone! I am back with another update of how things are going here at Word of Life as well as in my own life personally. Before getting to that though, I want to provide a little reflection. I don’t usually say this, but I feel like this winter has flown by. Of course, up here in Owen Sound, we probably still have another month or more to get through before winter releases its grasp, Read more…


Ministry Update October-December 2021

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the Christmas season! One thing I have noticed is that Christmas always seems to sneak up so fast on me. From the time of me writing this post, it is now only 5 days away! I always enjoy the Christmas season and the time spent with family and friends as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. I hope that you all have a wonderful Read more…


Ministry Update July-September 2021

Hey everyone! I am back with an update on how things have been going here at Word of Life in the past few months. I would also like to share a couple of things that God has been teaching me lately as well as some prayer requests. Before getting into all of that though, I just want to once again say a big thank you to everyone that has supported me financially and through prayer Read more…


Ministry Update April-June 2021

Hey everyone, I hope you have all had a good spring and are now enjoying the weather as summer has arrived! It’s been a good few months here at Word of Life and God has been teaching me new things and providing me with opportunities to serve Him. For this update, I’ll start with just a quick paragraph about what God has been teaching me lately and then transition into an update about what has Read more…


Personal Update and Ministry Update January-March

Hey everybody! I’m back with another update to let you know what has been happening in my ministry with Word of Life. As you can imagine, adjustments and flexibility have been key during this time as things can change quickly from one day to the next. I have been learning just how important it is to rely on the truth of God’s Word when there are so many views about so many different things swirling Read more…


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! (and some exciting news)

Hey everyone, it’s hard to believe that there is only one more week until Christmas! Things have been pretty busy here at Word of Life between work and meetings and Christmas parties. It has also been a good time full of fellowship and fun. Read on to find out what is new in the ministry God has entrusted me with here at Word of Life, including some exciting news! 4 more years! Let’s start with Read more…