
What God Showed Me!

Hey everybody! I’m back with another blog post. I want to share something that God has helped me to realize just in the past week. Hopefully, it can impact your life and/or you can share it with someone and it can impact their life. I won’t waste time getting into Read more…


Ministry Update – April 2019

Hey everybody! I hope you are all doing well. It’s the last Friday of April already. Time flies! Temperatures have still been struggling to stay consistently warm here, but the sun has been out a little more frequently here lately which has been very nice. A Good Run is Fun! Read more…


2 for 1 Day!

Hey everyone! I hope you are all living with joy today. If you are happy, that’s great! If not, that’s okay. Let’s be real. There is suffering and pain in this life as well as blessing. We are never going to be happy 100% of the time, but we can Read more…


The Battle Against Sin

Hey everyone! I hope you’ve all had a fantastic week. I’m going to jump right into the main content for the post today. I hope it encourages you and challenges you in your walk with God. The Battle Against Sin How do you live your life? How do you make Read more…


God is in Control

Hey everybody! It’s a special week with a post coming your way today which is Tuesday! I’m heading to a Missions Conference tomorrow and I don’t know if I’d find the time to write an entry for Friday, so I decided to post today. I hope you’re all having a Read more…