
Hey everybody, I hope you are all continuing to do well and staying safe during this time. In this update, I would like to share with you some of the things that happened this summer as well as an exciting look ahead to the fall. Before I begin though, I just want to thank all of you who are my supporters either through financial means or through prayer. I greatly appreciate your investment in my life and in the ministry here at Word of Life. I could not do what I do without you, so a big thank you to all of you.

Summer Review

My summer has been pretty quiet for the most part. With everything happening surrounding the virus, we were unfortunately unable to have camp here this year. The absence of kids on the property having fun and learning all about God was very noticeable. However, God is sovereign and knew this would happen, so we just need to trust Him. I spent some good quality time at home with family during parts of the summer. For work, I did some office work, helped out on maintenance for the property, and I also focused on getting more of my school done. One of the highlights of the summer was weekly campfires where the staff on property had a chance to get together and just connect and enjoy time with one another. I also had the opportunity to rest and reflect on some things like everyone else. Overall, my summer was pretty quiet, but I’m looking forward to the fall season ahead!

Fall Preview

I am excited for the next school year to start here! The students will all be arriving in less than a couple weeks. While things will look different due to COVID safety measure put into place, the reality that we can still have students come on campus and learn all about God’s Word is a tremendous blessing.

For me personally, my job in the office will continue as usual. I am just able to start getting back to the gym again, which is nice, because I’ve missed that. In addition, I want to get into some volunteer work this year as well as hopefully get a little more involved with my local church here.

Let’s be honest. Everything looks different now than a year ago. Things have really changed, but I’m excited and thankful that we can still move forward with our school year and stay connected with each other. God is good!

Bible Verse:

“and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority.” – Colossians 2:10

This verse has really been on my mind lately as a joyful reminder that in Christ, I am everything I need to be. I am whole and complete in Him. No other thing or person, including myself, can make me complete. But in Christ, I find the satisfaction, fulfillment, and completion for which I am looking. This is because I have died, been buried, and raised with Him and can walk in newness of life and in freedom from sin. (Romans 6, Colossians 2, Galatians 5)


  1. Please pray for all of the incoming students and that everything here would run smoothly as we start the year.
  2. Please pray for the staff here as we also transition into a year which will look different than usual.
  3. Please pray for me that I would push forward with the goals I have for this year, including volunteering, more involvement with my church, and continuing my schooling.
  4. Please pray that I would stay connected and grow in my relationships with both God and other people.
  5. Please pray for and reach out to one person in your life who you know could use an encouraging word right now and would be blessed by hearing from you.

I hope you all had a great summer!

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