Our fabulous Recharge Team!

Hey everyone! I am back with another update on my ministry and what has been happening at Word of Life. First, though, I would like to share with you something I have recently been thinking about which is the topic of godly discussion. What I mean by this is that it is so important to have godly people in your life who love to simply talking about God. It is an amazing blessing to share a passion about God with others and just talk about God together. I know it can be a great way to get my focus and perspective back in the right direction. Here’s something you may wish to apply to your life. Next time you are feeling down, frustrated, or sad, try talking with a godly friend all about God, His goodness, His sacrifice, spending eternity with Him, and so on. I recently had such an experience with a friend. By the end of our discussion, my focus was reoriented in the right direction and my attitude was also much better. Talking about God and all His wonderful works with another person who is passionate about God is such an awesome way of keeping our perspective and purpose clear and keeping God at the centre of our lives!


The academic department has been bustling lately 🙂 I have been kept busy with plenty of grading as the students have been busy with assignments before heading out on March Break today. Over February, the students learned all about wonderful doctrine in the book of Romans. I love the book of Romans and all the amazing truths in it. Words such as justification, sanctification, and adoption come to mind. The Bible verse below that I have picked for this post comes from Romans. The students also learned about the life of Jesus and the kingdom in Matthew and studied the church and church function in Ecclesiology.


Recharge just wrapped up this past weekend and was incredible once again this year. We welcomed 586 guests on the Word of Life property, 54 people made salvation decisions, and 162 people dedicated their lives to Christ! Praise God!


In other news, my schooling continues to go well. I just finished the first half of my Spring semester in which I took English and Cultural Anthropology. The back half of the semester I am taking Math (should be fun) and Linguistics. Overall, I am working hard and, Lord willing, I hope to finish my degree by the end of Spring or Summer 2021. After that, I am considering my options for the future and could possibly do missions work overseas as an ESL teacher. But I also don’t want to jump too far ahead. I desire to keep my focus on the present and take things one day at a time.

As students head home for break, I will also be taking a week off and head home to spend some relaxing time with family. I’m excited for this opportunity and it will be great to see everyone again!

Bible Verse:

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 6:23

There is never a time when the reminder of our salvation through what God has done for us should get old. Throughout my childhood, I remember a saying on the family fridge, “Lose everything but your faith in God and you lose nothing.”

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray that students and staff would all get a good rest over March Break as we head to the final stretch of the school year.
  2. Please pray for me that I would wisely pray and consider my options for the future and make decisions that glorify God.
  3. Please also pray that I would have the courage to step out and take action in certain areas to serve God.
  4. Finally, please pray that I would get some good rest myself as I often struggle with insomnia and this can affect my daily focus and concentration at times.

Thank you to everyone again for all of your financial and prayer support! It means a lot may God be glorified in the ministry of everyone here at Word of Life and through the ministry of every Christian around the world!

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