Hey everybody!
It’s been a while and a busy summer, so I would like to update you on what has been happening in my ministry and with Word of Life.


After the busyness of our year of the Bible Institute wrapping up and the students having graduation, June was a little more of a quieter month. I spent a relaxing week of vacation at home, did a little bit of support-raising and continued my job in the office. It was nice to have a bit of a slower pace for a little while, but it didn’t last long because…


Camp started in July! July was quite a busy month. In addition to keeping up with my office work, I also worked on maintenance and keeping the property clean and looking good for all of the campers that stayed with us. I also was involved with discipling one of our teen summer staff who was helping out here. During the back half of July, I went back home and did more support-raising which I am thankful to say that it went well! And that brings us to…


August! This month has probably been the busiest of the three. It started out with me being a camp counselor for the last week of kids camp. This is a 24 hour job. It was challenging and tiring, but it was also full of purpose and totally worth it. I had some really good one on one talks with a few of the kids and it was such a blessing to be able to have an impact on their lives. After camp ended, I went home for another week of vacation and to visit with my brother who was home from South Korea for a week. We enjoyed a lot of quality family time, including a relaxing boat cruise on the Grand River. Now, I have just returned to Word of Life and will be preparing for the upcoming year for the Bible Institute.

Looking Ahead…

I will be continuing my role as the Academic Coordinator for a few more years with Word of Life. I will also be doing online schooling at the same time for a Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language. I am excited for this opportunity and to see how I can use it to glorify God in my life. It is going to get very busy very quickly!

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for me as I will soon have a lot on the go and be very busy with both my job and with my schooling. Please pray that I would have the energy and strength to do all that is in front of me and that I would do it for God’s glory.
  2. Please pray that I would grow in my relationship with God in this upcoming year and continue to learn and apply many things from His Word.
  3. Please pray for all of the Word of Life staff here as we prepare for another year that we would be strengthened and do our jobs with excellence for God’s glory.
  4. Finally, please pray for this year’s students that they would be eager and ready to learn and that their hearts would be open and ready to be changed for God’s glory.

Bible Verse:

I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5

I have chosen this as my theme verse for this year. It is a valuable reminder that everything good that I do, including my whole ministry with Word of Life, is through abiding in Christ. Without Him, I can do nothing. Therefore, I want to prioritize my relationship with God this year and keep Him first.

I am very thankful for all that God has been doing in and through me this summer and through the entire ministry of Word of Life. All the glory goes to Him! I also thank all of you who support me both financially and through prayer. I am very appreciative of this. Just as a final note, I will be returning to my regular end of the month updates starting in September as well as more regularly posting on my Facebook ministry page, so keep an eye out for it!

In Christ,

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