Hey everybody! I pray that you can find peace, contentment, and joy in the blessing of today! As always, I want to give a big thank you to all of my supporters out there. Your contribution to the ministry here at Word of Life is not overlooked by God and He is doing some amazing things here which I will mention in a moment. I greatly appreciate your generosity and faith in getting involved with the Word of Life ministry! Keep reading to find out some of the ways God has been at work this past month!

Ministry Update:

I want to focus on two topics for this ministry update. These two areas are my main ministries right now and both have been a blessing in my life.


My personal ministry as the Academic Coordinator is going very well. I have gotten into a good rhythm and am enjoying serving in this capacity. This past month, the students have had the opportunity of learning about the life of Jesus in the book of John, studying the end times through a class called Eschatology, and currently they are learning about how to live wise lives in the book of Proverbs. Next week, the students will have a very practical week and learn things they can directly apply to their lives as they will have the opportunity of taking a class on Counselling.


Last month, when I wrote my ministry update, I believe we were just starting our winter camp, Recharge. A lot has happened since then, and it has been a tremendous blessing to see God at work each weekend! So far, we have had 4 weekends of Recharge with 2 more to come. The campers have had a blast each and every week with a lot of fun activities. More importantly, a great spiritual impact has been made on a lot of lives. I would like to share with you some of the statistics below that show how God has been at work. I know that life isn’t about statistics, but they can give some perspective. Most importantly, God’s Name is being glorified as people are being loved and their lives are being changed. With that being said, check out the stats below:

Weekend #1 Guests:120 Salvations:16 Dedications:21
Weekend #2 Guests:116 Salvations:7 Dedications:17
Weekend #3 Guests:122 Assurance of Salvation: 1 Dedications:22
Weekend #4 Guests:104 Salvations:19 Dedications:28

Praise God! He has done wonderful things and I look forward to see how He will continue to work in the final 2 weekends of Recharge!


If you would, please pray for the following:

Students: Please pray for all the students as they have had a lot going on in the past several weeks with Recharge and fatigue and tiredness have been setting in. Please pray that they rely on God for the energy and strength to glorify His Name in the last 2 weekends of Recharge.

Recharge: Please pray for all of the campers and counselors coming to Recharge for the final 2 weekends that God would prepare their hearts for the gospel message they will hear. Also, please pray that everyone would be kept safe and have a lot of fun!

Personally, please pray that God would help me to live with joy and the desire to serve Him and bring glory to His Name.

Finally, as always, please pray that this entire ministry here at Word of Life as well as any other ministries including your own would all be done for the glory of God which is the most important thing.

Bible Verse:

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

Every day is a new day with new opportunities to live for God and bring praise to His Name. We can make the most of these opportunities because of God’s faithfulness, compassion, and great love for us!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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