Hey everyone, I hope you are all doing well! I am very thankful for God’s grace and goodness towards me each day. I’m learning more and more about what life lived with God actually means. It means investing in a close relationship with Him, finding my satisfaction in Him, and doing everything with the mindset of Him being at the centre. Nothing I do is apart from Him. I trust Him to provide for me and trust Him to guide me. It means keeping His kingdom and His values at the forefront and using my time wisely according to the command He has given me to go and make disciples. These are all things I am learning and growing in and I do them far from perfectly. And that is why I am thankful for God’s grace and goodness towards me in the process of my growth and sanctification. He has my heart and promises to carry out His work in me and complete it (Phil. 1:6).

I am also very thankful for all of you and your support of the ministry God has given me with Word of Life both prayerfully and financially over these past few years. By God’s grace, I have been a part of seeing Him at work and changing lives. It has been a huge blessing and humbling experience to be used by God to be a part of the ministry here, surrounded by staff and students who time and time again demonstrate their love for and faithfulness to God.

After much prayer and consideration, I have come to the decision to complete my time and ministry with Word of Life, effective May 15th of this year. This decision comes with mixed feelings. I am sad to leave in one sense because I know of the wonderful work God is doing with Word of Life and because of all the wonderful people here. But I also am excited because I know a new time of growth is ahead as I face new experiences and challenges in life. I know that God will continue His good work in me and keep carrying it on toward completion. I am also excited as I know of the many opportunities that lie ahead. My plan, Lord willing, is to stay in the area for the time being and invest more in my local church and in the people of my local community. I know above all else that what is most important is that whatever God has for me that I remain focused on loving Him and loving others.

Please pray for me as I make this transition in the coming months and please also pray that the remainder of my time with Word of Life and beyond would be fruitful and I would remain focused on loving God, loving others, keeping His kingdom at the forefront, and making disciples.

All the glory to Him!

In Christ,
Tim Vlasblom

Categories: Uncategorized


zelma · February 11, 2023 at 10:27 am

Waiting patiently for you to come home and fuck me! http://bitly.ws/znHX

ladonna · February 25, 2023 at 10:18 am

Please fuck me https://is.gd/dBsd60

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