Hey everybody! I’m back with another update to let you know what has been happening in my ministry with Word of Life. As you can imagine, adjustments and flexibility have been key during this time as things can change quickly from one day to the next. I have been learning just how important it is to rely on the truth of God’s Word when there are so many views about so many different things swirling about in the world. In this update, I would like to take a little more of a personal approach, so I will update you specifically on how my life is going as well as how my ministry at Word of Life is going. Before I begin, I just want to give a huge thank you from my heart for all of you who partner in ministry with me both financially and in prayer. Your support has been huge and I am very grateful and thankful for each one of you!

Personal Update

These past three months have been both good and challenging at the same time. I would definitely say that I have experienced a lot of growth during this time. The year started out with a lockdown in place and I was blessed to be able to still work from my home at Word of Life. However, I was living alone at that point and I also experience some seasonal depression in the winter when there is little sunlight and so there were some difficult times of just trying to stay grounded in God’s faithfulness and make sure I was not getting isolated. That being said, God also provided some wonderful opportunities to still connect with some people and I ended up helping to build an ice rink on campus with a couple other people. This was a fantastic project which gave me the opportunity to get outside, work hard, and then also have some fun skating and playing hockey on it once it was completed!

Once the lockdown ended, the students were able to come back on property and we were able to all enjoy the ice rink and just spend some good time together outside. Fast forward to March, the weather warmed quickly and I have been thankful as the days are getting longer and there have been many beautiful days to spend time outside and do things such as going for a run.

Now we are back in lockdown, but I’m really learning to just be thankful for all of God’s blessings and to remain grounded in an eternal perspective. I have seen myself growing in discipline in many different areas and I am very thankful for the wonderful people that God has surrounded me with. I have also had plenty of opportunities to be involved serving with the music team at my local church.

I would say that one of the biggest lessons I have learned is that God can use our testimonies in a powerful way to bless others and bring glory to His Name. In order for this to happen though, we need to share the stories of our lives with each other and be willing to be real and honest. This may be challenging at times, but when we do this, God may use us to have a wonderful impact in the lives of others.

Ministry Update

I am extremely blessed to be able to say that things have been going very well in my ministry with Word of Life. I am enjoying my work and am learning the new duties that I have been given. In addition to the academic work I have been doing, I have now also taken on a more administrative role in planning and coordinating different events and meetings such as campus days and graduation and I am also making sure that schedules are on track and playing a part in making sure that the BI is running smoothly. I really enjoy this type of work and am thankful that God has provided this opportunity for me.

I have also had the enormous privilege of leading our campus praise team throughout the year. The praise team is very gifted and recently we had an opportunity to lead others in worship at a local church. We were actually scheduled to play at a few other churches, but they got cancelled due to the lockdown. We are hoping that we can reschedule these times for when the lockdown hopefully ends in May. That being said, I am so proud of the team for their enthusiasm and desire to play and sing as often as possible in order to bring glory to God!

I have also been very busy with my online schooling again! I am currently in the last few weeks of the Spring Semester. Once these classes are done, I will only have 4 left before I finish my degree! I am super excited for that!

Bible Verse:

“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.”

We have everything we need to live a purposeful and godly life in Christ!

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray that God would continue to bless staff and students for the remainder of the year and that we would be faithful in living for Him.
  2. Please pray for me that I would continue to grow closer to God and spend time with Him in His Word and in prayer.
  3. Please pray for me as the next few weeks will be quite busy with my online schooling and with graduation drawing closer for the Bible Institute.
  4. Please pray that the church would be unified and be a shining testimony to the world of the hope found in Christ.
  5. Please pray that Christians all over the world would be bold in sharing their stories and sharing the gospel with others and that many lives would be impacted and God would get all the glory!

I hope you all have a chance to enjoy this beautiful weather and God’s blessings to you all!


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