Hey everyone, it’s hard to believe that there is only one more week until Christmas! Things have been pretty busy here at Word of Life between work and meetings and Christmas parties. It has also been a good time full of fellowship and fun. Read on to find out what is new in the ministry God has entrusted me with here at Word of Life, including some exciting news!

4 more years!

Let’s start with the big news. I have agreed to stay on for 4 more years with Word of Life! This has been something I have been thinking and praying about and seeking counsel about for awhile. One person gave me some particularly helpful counsel. He told me that if this is the place where I could best continue to receive support and grow in my relationship with God as well as using the gifts He has given me to bless others and serve Him, then I should stay here. If there is another place better for that, I should go there. Well, I couldn’t think of a better place for that, and I really enjoy it here and have been used by God, so I decided to stay!

One of the exciting parts about this is that I will also have a more expanded role here. In addition to all the jobs I have already been doing, I will also be taking on some more administrative duties such as helping out with coordination of certain events and being more involved in Student Life as well. This is probably the best time to take the opportunity to thank all of you again for the way you have supported me financially and prayerfully. I appreciate it so much. Please continue to pray for me as I seek to raise more support, especially, God willing, this upcoming summer. It has become more of a challenge due to Covid.

Everything else has been going pretty well lately. I am planning, Lord willing, to start up my online classes in January. If all goes well, I hope to finish my degree sometime in the fall next year.

Advent Candles

I’ve been thinking a little bit about the Advent Candles and what they represent with Christmas coming. I think candles are great. My roommate loves lighting candles and the fragrance is always nice and I just enjoy looking at the flame too. The cool thing about a candle is how it can bring light in the darkness just as Jesus did on an infinitely more grander scale as the Light of the World. The 4 themes of Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love are also all realities found in Christ and available to every believer because of who God is and what He has done. This was true when Christ was born 2000 years ago and it hasn’t changed in 2020 just because of the difficulties many of us have experienced due to the virus or other issues. So, I encourage you this Christmas season, remember the hope, joy, peace, and love you have in Christ if you are a believer. If you are not a believer, know that these things can all be a part of your life too if you choose to place your trust in Jesus to save you from your sins.

Bible Verse:

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests!” – Luke 2:14

Prayer Requests:

  • Students and staff as they go home for Christmas Break that they would get plenty of rest.
  • Prayer that I would grow in my relationship with God and enjoy Him and His presence more and more.
  • Prayer that God would be glorified whatever happens in the New Year.

I hope you all have a Blessed Christmas and Joyful New Year and that you all experience the Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love found in Christ!

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