Image may contain: 4 people, people standing, text that says 'EVANGELISM OLIBI PROFESSIONS OF FAITH GOSPEL PRESENTATIONS 114'

Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well. I have been thinking recently about the sovereignty of God and how He is in control of every situation of our lives and every situation in this world. We can take comfort and have peace in this fact because God is good and He is trustworthy. Even when the world seems out of control or our lives seem out of control at times, we can rest assured that God is on His throne and He is fully in control. This truth brings security and stability to our lives.

I am back with another ministry update! Read on to find out what has been going on with my ministry at Word of Life. Before I begin, I just want to thank all of you who support me both financially and in prayer. Your prayers and support mean a lot to me.


Instead of the normal format in which I do my updates, I am going to change things up and simply list off some things for which I am thankful in regards to how God is at work here at Word of Life and in my own life.

I am thankful because…

  • We are able to have students here this year, despite COVID restrictions
  • I have been blessed in taking on a few more job duties this year.
  • I have the privilege of being a part of this ministry in the Academic department and seeing how the students are learning and growing in their walk with God.
  • I have the opportunity to disciple one of the guys this year.
  • I also have the opportunity to lead the praise team this year. We have a very gifted group who are serving with humility and leading the rest of the students and staff in bringing worship and glory to God.
  • God was at work during Evangelism Week when the students went home and shared the gospel with family and friends. As you can see from the graphic above, God worked through them in a wonderful way.
  • We can still have fun here through things such as our Harvest Bash event which was a lot of fun!
  • God is at work in my life changing me and helping me grow.
  • God has placed a lot of wonderful people in my life whom I can love and who love me and support me.
  • God never changes. He is still on His throne and fully in control. I can trust Him with every part and detail of my life.

Bible Verse:

Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. – Psalm 62:8

This is our Word of Life theme verse for the year. It is so appropriate in a time where things seem so uncertain both in the world and in our lives. However, God knows. God cares. God is in control. He is completely trustworthy, not based on whether I perceive my circumstances to be good or bad, but because of who He is.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray that staff and students would just continually grow in our relationships with God
  • Please pray that God would work in my life to continue to change me, grow me, and help me to fully trust Him in every circumstance.
  • Please pray for my family right now as my grandpa just passed away. He is a believer and now is with God, so praise God for that! But, grief is still real.
  • Any other way you would like to pray for me or for Word of Life, I would appreciate it! šŸ™‚


In closing, your support has been essential to enable me to serve with Word of Life. That support is very much appreciated. As a way of saying thank you I want to share an opportunity that might be of interest. Below is a link to aĀ piece that talks about leaving a legacy. Word of Life has partnered with Advisors With Purpose to give our supporters the opportunity for a free estate plan and will review. If you wish to participate, please contact Advisors With Purpose atĀ 1-866-336-3315Ā or visit our web site for more informationĀ

God bless you all!

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