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Hey everybody, I hope you are all doing well and staying safe! As always, thank you again for all of your support in the ministry God has entrusted me with at this time! I’m back with another ministry update for the months of April and May. The plan for this post is to give you an update of what has been happening over the past couple months followed by a quick synopsis of what God has been teaching me lately.

The past couple months have been a learning curve for me as Word of Life transitioned to an online system for academics due to the virus. While there were some challenges along the way, overall the transition went well. The students were able to still complete their school year as classes were taught via Zoom. We can be very grateful in a time such as this that technology can be used in such a beneficial way. My job mostly consisted of inputting online classes and tests, grading, and communication with teachers and students to ensure everyone was on the same page. The semester just wrapped up last week and we can be very thankful that God made it possible for the students to complete their year here despite the circumstances.

My schooling is also going well. I am continuing school through the summer and am currently taking classes in Spanish and English. I’m quickly finding out that learning a new language is no easy task! I am thankful that nothing has changed regarding my schooling even with the current circumstances and I am able to continue making progress.

Looking ahead to the summer, I will be be busy with inputting class material onto our online system for next year. While we hope and pray that classes can get back to normal and in person for September, a lot of the class material and tests will now be accessed online. I will also be helping out on the property and continuing with my schooling.

Lately, through this time of COVID-19, God has been teaching me the importance of loving Him and others and how this happens. I have been praying to grow in my love for God and God has shown me that this directly happens as I truly love others. There is so much truth to 1 John 4:20b which says, “He who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” As I take the opportunity to love others sacrificially for God’s glory, I grow in my love for God as He works through me and I depend on Him. It’s not always easy and I don’t always feel like doing it, but it is always worth it. It is important that I be a doer of the Word and not only a hearer (James 1:22). Looking for opportunities to love others and then following through with these opportunities is helping me grow in my relationship with God and I am desiring to spend more time with Him as I grow in my love for Him. Faith, hope, and love are meant to be lived out!

5 Quotes from Billy Graham on the Love of God | Gods love, Read ...

Bible Verse:

“He who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” – 1 John 4:20b

Prayer Requests

  1. That I would have godly wisdom in decision making.
  2. That I would be blessed with opportunities to love others
  3. Good attitudes, patience and joy all around for believers as a testimony that glorifies and points to God
  4. Students with their summer ministries

May God bless you all as you faithfully look to love, serve, and glorify Him in all that you do!

In Christ,

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