Hey Everybody! Iā€™m back with another ministry update to let you all know what has been happening with me and with Word of Life during the month of October. As you can see, we just had our first snowfall. (This technically happened in November, but I’m pretty sure I saw some flakes swirling around already on Halloween.) It has been a good month. Thank you again to all of my supporters who have supported me through finances and prayer. Your support has been a huge blessing to myself and to the Word of Life ministry as God continues to faithfully work through it. Read on for some updates on the month of October!

Open Air Evangelism:

The students took part in witnessing to people on the streets of Hamilton at the beginning of the month. As you can see, God was at work with many people getting saved. The students also grew a lot through this experience and it was a tremendous blessing in their lives to see God working through them to share the gospel.

Fall Foliage

During the week of Open Air Evangelism while the students were away, many of the staff of Word of Life, including myself, helped to host an event for seniors called Fall Foliage. We provided games, a music program, and a turkey dinner for them. I had the opportunity of sharing my testimony as well. It was a blessing to be a part of this ministry!


During October, the students learned about different issues and practical applications for the church in 1 Corinthians, leadership and ministry in the truth in Pastoral Epistles, how to recognize and respond to false teaching and false doctrine in 2 Peter/Jude, and how to have joy while thinking with the mind of Christ in Philippians! My job as the Academic Coordinator has been running very smoothly. I enjoy communicating with all of the teachers who come on property and grading assignments.

Praise Team:

The campus praise team has been faithful in their service to God. They are doing a great job! It has been a privilege for me to help lead this team because they are eager to jump in with their own ideas and I can see their desire and passion to worship God.


I have been leading a book study on the book “How People Change” again this year. It has been a wonderful blessing to be able to spend some time interacting with the students and discussing how heart change happens in our lives. It can only be accomplished through the power and working of the Holy Spirit. We have had a good time together so far. My online schooling program for Teaching English as a Second Language has been going well. I just finished my first two classes on Biology and Ethics. I am currently taking a class on Geography and a class on Intercultural Communication and Engagement which has been very interesting. I have learned a lot about the importance of cultural intelligence and the differences between cultures. I am continuing my time at the gym. It is so nice to get some good exercise and it helps to keep my life balanced so that I’m not just focusing on work and school. Yes, life if going well!

Bible Verse:

ā€œWe ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing.ā€ ā€“ 2 Thessalonians 1:3

May our faith and love always be growing and increasing abundantly!


  • Please pray for the staff and students here at Word of Life. Pray that we would all be productive and do our work with excellence for the glory of God.
  • Please pray for me that I would be constantly learning and growing in my faith and walk with God.
  • Please pray that the church in Canada would wake up and realize the incredible opportunity that we have to reach those around us and serve God if we are unified.
  • Finally, please thank God for all of the faithful believers who are serving God with a heart that seeks to glorify Him.

That about wraps up the month of October. Remember that no matter what your circumstances are in life at this moment, God loves you and you can faithfully serve Him and glorify His Name perhaps especially in times of trouble or persecution. Please read 2 Thessalonians 1 for more on this matter if you have the chance. God bless you all!

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