Hey Everybody! I’m back with another ministry update to let you all know what has been happening with me and with Word of Life during the month of September. First, though, as always I would like to thank all of you for your support both through prayer and finances. I appreciate it very much and that is one reason why I am excited to share with you how God has been at work!

Opening Weekend:

We had a great opening weekend. It is hard to believe that it was already over a month ago! We welcomed 19 bright and enthusiastic students this year to come and learn and grow through God’s Word and through applying it in ministry. I helped out with registration and was also on the opening weekend praise team. Dr. Wendell Calder was once again the speaker for Opening Weekend and he gave some good messages on the will of God. The students quickly learned the familiar phrase, “I will not quit. By God’s grace I can do it.” This is a good reminder that we can’t do life on our own. But, by God’s strength, we can keep going no matter the circumstances. Opening weekend was great!


The students learned a lot of practical knowledge which they can apply to their lives in the book of James. They also learned lessons from the book of Daniel and were prepared and equipped to head out on Open Air Evangelism by taking an Evangelism course. My job as the Academic Coordinator has been going very well. It is nice to be able to draw from a year of experience.

Praise Team:

I am co-leading the praise team once again this year. We have a talented group that is eager to use their gifts to worship God. More importantly, they have a right heart attitude about leading others in songs to bring glory to God. I am excited to have the opportunity to see and help them grow in their ability to worship God through music!


I few other things that have happened this month are my schooling and gym membership. I started my online schooling program for Teaching English as a Second Language in mid-September. It is going very well. I am taking Biology and Ethics to start. I also got a membership at the YMCA to help me stay active, so I am going to the gym three times a week. Physical exercise is important, but I need to remember that spiritual exercise is of more value and keep in God’s Word!

Bible Verse:

I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” – Psalm 9:1


  • Please pray for the staff and students here at Word of Life. Pray that we would all get a good rest during Thanksgiving Break and be refreshed and ready to continue with our learning and ministry.
  • Please pray for me that I would be constantly learning and growing in my faith and walk with God. Please also pray that God would give me wisdom in how to minister in my local church. I am currently looking into the opportunities available.
  • Please pray that people all around Canada would have a joyful Thanksgiving and remember the reason we celebrate Thanksgiving in the first place.

That about wraps up the month of September. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and we should remember all of the blessings that God has given us, first and foremost being His Son!

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