Hey everybody! It is the first Friday in June! I was planning on posting this update last week, but it was very busy as the students just graduated on Saturday, so I never got around to it. This year has gone by extremely fast! Read on to find out what God has been doing through my personal ministry and through Word of Life during the month of May.


My job has been busy lately and particularly last week with the end of the semester. I’ve had a lot of assignments and tests to mark, but grades have been finalized! I enjoy being busy and like to be efficient. I’m very thankful that it’s all gone very well! Over the course of last month, the students learned all about church function, leadership, and the different roles of men and women inside and outside the church through a two week class called Pastoral Epistles. The next two weeks involved learning how to accurately observe, interpret, and apply the Bible in a class called Bible Study Methods. Finally, the month wrapped up with the students learning about the Person and role of the Holy Spirit in Pneumatology. Overall, I am thankful and glad to say that academics has gone well the entire year.

Praise Team:

The campus praise team played our last chapel just over a week ago. We did a couple of songs at graduation and that was our final time together. I have been very blessed in being able to both lead and be a part of this student ministry this year. The students filled out a feedback form detailing their experiences on the praise team. Check out a few of the comments below.

What is the biggest thing you can take away from this experience that you can use in your life to glorify God?

  • Singing… lol Just being able to lead worship is awesome.
  • Worship isn’t just through song, it’s our words and actions
  • How to work together and organize the team and worship
  • How to lead worship
  • Playing the drums, and recognizing that music isn’t the only way to worship

Other Happenings:

A few other things that happened last month:

Common Ground
We hosted a worship night here on May 11. It was a great time of singing and worshiping God and the gospel was also presented. We had close to 100 people here and 3 different local praise teams came to play. It was a blessing from beginning to end and a lot of people came together and put in some hard work to make it happen. It was great!

Banquet and Barbecue
On May 25, we had our spring banquet and talent show. It was a night full of delicious food and sometimes frantic fun. We also had a barbecue at a staff home on May 29. It was one of the final times where staff and students came together and had some great fellowship and good food.

That about sums up the month of May. It was busy, but also a great time full of memorable experiences. The Bible verse I have chosen below reflects the joy of the many experiences and happenings last month.

Bible Verse:

Behold, how good and pleasant it is
 when brothers dwell in unity! – Psalm 133:1

Up next, I head home today for a week’s vacation. It will be nice to have some relaxation and spend time with family and friends!

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