Hey everyone! I was thinking about what to write about for this post and I decided to write on a topic that I believe is very relevant today. For this post, I want to encourage you to think on a personal level. See if you can relate to any of the thoughts that I will convey.


To begin, I want to start off with a question. Is selfishness a big issue in our world today? Think about it. We are motivated by some purpose. What motivates you to get out of bed? How about going to school or work? Studying in university? Helping out a friend? Being nice to that special someone? Spending your time, money, and resources? Sure, on the outside, it can look like we are doing things for others. Christians might even say they are doing these things for God. I encourage you to give it deeper thought. On the inside, if you think about it, you know where your true motivation lies. Could it be that you are doing any one of these things for the reasons that I have listed below?

Fame, Fortune, Reputation, Money, Self-worth, Affirmation by others, Identity, Feeling better about yourself, Recognition, Attention, Competition, Possessions, Fill-in-the-blank

In other words, are your thoughts and actions, though seemingly commendable, motivated by your desire for yourself? Really think about it. Be honest. I would like to suggest that a lot of times, this is probably the case. Now I understand that this is not true 100% of the time. People can often do things for others out of love for them and a desire to help them out. I am simply suggesting that, a lot of the time, thoughts and actions are motivated by selfishness. Our culture seems to play on this presumption. Think about the ads and commercials that you’ve seen. Many of them revolve on how I can get ahead, what I deserve, and what I should do for myself. Social media is also all about self. Think about the concept of a selfie. I need not say more about that. Most of the things we post or share are all about ourselves. We see how many “likes” we can get, how many comments, how many shares, and it goes on and on. It’s ridiculous! As a western culture, we are so wrapped up in ourselves and we wonder why there is so much anxiety, depression, etc.

The Distinction

Now, selfishness is a problem, but I want to make a distinction here. Unbelievers and those who trust in Christ both have a problem with selfishness. However, for unbelievers, selfishness kind of makes sense. I’m not saying it’s the right way, but think about it. If you don’t believe and trust in Christ as your Saviour, then why wouldn’t you live for yourself? If you believe that this life is all that exists and that death brings a final end, then why wouldn’t you live for yourself today and try to gain as much of a personal advantage as you can? Even though it is wrong and causes many problems, for the world it kind of makes sense. Christians, on the other hand, have largely adopted this world mindset and often live for themselves. But, might I say, it makes absolutely no sense! The whole point of life for a Christian is to live for the glory of God! God reveals in His Word that His desire is for Christians to do nothing for selfish ambition. (Philippians 2:3) As I’ve already stated in an earlier post, the way to joy for a Christian is to put Jesus first, others second, and yourself last. There is a distinction between unbelievers and those who trust in Christ as their Saviour when it comes to selfishness. Selfishness is always wrong, but for the unbeliever, it is seemingly natural and makes sense. For the believer, though selfishness may come naturally due to sin nature, it makes no sense because Christians live for Christ!

My Story with Selfishness

I would like to share my own story regarding selfishness. In everything I’ve said above, it’s helped me to understand and realize that I’ve been a very selfish person in my life. I’ve often done things on the outside that might look good, but in reality I was being motivated by my own self gain. To this day, I still struggle with selfishness. I’m thankful that God has shown me this area of my life that needs change. He’s currently working on me in this area. I can tell you this much. When I focus on myself, when everything is revolving around me in my head, then my problems seem to get so much bigger and I get down and depressed. It’s sin. But when I am truly focused on glorifying God and loving others, then I experience joy and contentment. My problems suddenly seem to get a lot smaller because everything in life is not all about me. It’s all about bringing glory to God! I’ve said this many times, but now I’m starting to more fully realize all of the implications! A life that glorifies God is the only life for a Christian that makes any sense and the only way to experience complete and lasting joy! Life is not about self. Life is about God! One more thing. As believers, we can’t do this on our own. Thankfully, God has given us the Holy Spirit to produce in us the fruits that keep the focus off ourselves and on God. Rely on and walk by the Spirit. True joy can be found in your life as you get your mind off yourself and onto God!

I want to end by just asking you a few questions. Please take some time to personally reflect on your life.

  1. Are you selfish in your life? What are you really seeking to attain through your selfishness that can only be fulfilled through God?
  2. Do you experience true joy in your life? If not, could it be because your focus is on yourself rather than God?
  3. What action can you take today completely for God’s glory. Remember, selfishness makes no sense because Christians live for Christ!

Bible Verse:

And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again. – 2 Corinthians 5:15

Jesus performed the most selfless act of all when He died on the cross for our sins. We have the opportunity, privilege, and call to now no longer live for ourselves, but to live for Christ. Let’s take this calling seriously!

For a believer, selfishness makes no sense because Christians live for Christ!

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