Hey everybody! Welcome to my last post of the year! I have decided to take a week off for Christmas, so my next post will be Friday January 4. As it is Christmas in just a few days, (that’s crazy by the way!) I thought that I would reflect a little bit on this most wonderful time of the year. First, though, I want to present you with my monthly ministry update!

Ministry Update:

Merry Christmas! It has been a fantastic year here at Word of Life and it’s all been made possible by the generosity and thoughtfulness of the people who support me. Like I’ve said before, I appreciate both the financial and prayer support that I have been so blessed to receive. I am very thankful to be a part of a ministry such as the one that exists with Word of Life. It has been a joy and privilege to learn, grow, and serve at this place. Thank you so much to all of you who have made this a reality! God is doing great things in the lives of many people at this place this year, both staff and students alike. Ultimately, I know that it is God that is making this year possible, but He is using people throughout the entire process. I am humbled and grateful for all of you out there that are supporting either myself, another person with Word of Life, or a missionary in another organization. Please know that you are contributing to some great causes and to great work that God is accomplishing! With that being said, I just want to share with you a couple of things that have either just occurred or are upcoming events here at Word of Life.


Academics continues to go well here. The students just recently studied the books of Leviticus and Hebrews. These two books really connect well together. I would encourage you to read them and notice the similarities and correlation in a lot of aspects. Everything about my job continues to go smoothly from preparing class notes to grading to assisting students with various needs. I’m really enjoying my tasks and responsibilities.

Praise Team:

We just finished leading as a campus praise team for the year. We had a few weeks in a row where we played a variety of Christmas songs including carols such as “Joy to the World” and “Silent Night” and more contemporary Christmas songs such as “He Shall Reign Forevermore”. It has been a wonderful privilege in helping to lead this team of students and watching them continue to develop and grow in their musical capabilities.

Missions Conference:

In the New Year, the students and some of the staff will be heading to New York to attend a Missions Conference. There will be a number of missionaries from different missions organizations presenting during this multi-day event. It will be a great opportunity to explore and gain knowledge about the mission field and how God might be leading people in this area.


After Missions Conference, an event called Recharge will occur. Recharge is a snow camp event which will happen for six consecutive weekends from mid January through to March here at Word of Life. A total of up to 700+ campers from many different church youth groups are expected on property. It will be a huge opportunity to share the gospel with these kids and teens as well as just to have a great time filled with fun! I will be helping out during these weekends with customer service. I’m excited to see how God will work during this Recharge season!

Those are a few of the things either going on or happening soon in the future here at Word of Life. There is great opportunity and a lot of wonderful things that can happen, but it can only happen with God at work and through God’s strength. As such, prayer is extremely important!


Please pray for:

  1. Students – The students have gone home for Christmas break. Please pray that they get a lot of rest and also keep God first in their lives during this time.
  2. Recharge – As you’ve probably gathered, Recharge is a great time filled with amazing opportunities, but it can also be very tiring. Please pray that God would give all of us on staff the strength needed to do all that He is calling us to accomplish. Please also pray that many campers would either come to know Christ or grow closer to Him during this time.
  3. Personally, please pray that God would give me wisdom and discernment for some decisions I need to make in the upcoming year.
  4. Finally, please pray that this entire ministry here at Word of Life as well as any other ministries including your own would all be done for the glory of God which is the most important thing.


This isn’t going to be long, but I want to leave you with a thought during this Christmas season. It’s not really my own. I’m taking this from a message my friend was giving the other day. During the Christmas season, one of the main activities people do is exchange gifts. I think this is great, but I want to go a little deeper here. Instead of just giving gifts this Christmas season, how about you give yourself selflessly for other people. We live in a very selfish, self-centred society. Are you giving just material gifts or also giving of yourself. Consider this passage…

Bible Verses:

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,
    did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
    by taking the very nature
[b] of a servant,
    being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself
    by becoming obedient to death—
        even death on a cross!

Philippians 2:5-8

We celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas. He selflessly gave up everything and gave Himself completely as the Gift that would provide hope for all of mankind when He died on the cross for our sins and rose again. Consider that. If Christ could do all of that for us, shouldn’t we at the least be giving of ourselves selflessly to others for the glory of God?

I just want to leave that with you as food for thought in your interactions and fellowship during this Christmas season.

Well, I’ve come to the end of this post and the end of my posting until the New Year. I’m very thankful for this opportunity God has given me to be able to get my thoughts written down for others to be able to read. I hope you have all been blessed in some way through my blog. Most importantly, I encourage you to continue to live for the glory of God both now and on into the year 2019!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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